Breakfasts (9:00 - 16:00)
Omelette with zucchini
201 g / 400
Rice porridge with fried bananas and caramel (vegan)
302 g / 400
Oatmeal, plant milk, jam (vegan)
367 g / 470
Farmers cottage cheese pancakes, sour cream, jam
297 g / 560
Avocado toast (vegan)

Add: sea trout, poached egg, shrimps, crab meat
207 g / 670
Cottage cheese baked pudding, sour cream, rosemary, blackberry
213 g / 440
Sunny side up eggs, toast, cream cheese, arugula
282 g / 440
Turnip pancakes with tofu artichoke sauce (vegan)
267 g / 550
Eggplant and mushrooms sandwich with tofu sauce (vegan)
313 g / 550
Sea trout and cheese sandwich
270 g / 685
New Year Special
Olivier salad with scallops
215 g / 890
Small plates
Hummus with roasted peppers (vegan)
380 g / 490
Miso eggplant, tomatoes, cashews
265 g / 600
Green salad, orange, roasted peppers, light dressing (vegan)

Add: sea trout, poached egg, shrimps, crab meat
105 g / 500
Main Course
Scallop with Jerusalem artichoke and cauliflower sauce
272 g / 790
Tonnato tuna
247 g / 800
Sea-bass, quinoa popcorn, kaffir sauce
260 g / 790
Warm crab, avocado, mango sauce
198 g / 870
287 g / 700
Cauliflower soup with mushrooms
362 g / 590
Pumpkin soup

Add: shrimps, crab meat
373 g / 520
Spaghetti, crab
239 g / 1020
Penne, tomatoes, eggplant, paprika (vegan)
225 g / 590
Trout with tomatos
363 g / 900
Quinoa, avocado, kale, tahini

Add: shrimps, crab meat
245 g / 510
"Risotto": cauliflower, coconut, black truffle (vegan)
270 g / 550
Honey cake (vegan, gluten free)
Handmade bonbons (vegan, gluten free)